About Us
The story begins in 1946, when Bruno Zucchiatti began his entrepreneurial activity. Already at the date of foundation, his entrepreneurial technical knowledge allowed him to operate in the electrotechnical sector, carrying out repairs of electric motors, electric pumps and transformers. Zucchiatti quickly became a point of reference for the Province of Pordenone and later in neighboring regions, distinguishing itself for professionalism and dedication, achieving various awards.
Its clients already include such historic brands as Zanussi, Savio, Casagrande, Danieli to name a few.
The business has expanded over the years into transformers for railway use, electrical distribution equipment, electric gate components, and isolation transformers for photovoltaic systems.
The turning point came in 1998, when Zucchiatti began working with FINCANTIERI for the naval sector. From an almost low-key beginning, within a few years the company became an established partner for the supply of transformers for naval use, on both passenger and military vessels.
To date, ZUCCHIATTI's experience, now in its third entrepreneurial generation, boasts numerous shipboard installations for major shipowners such as MSC, COSTA, HAL, VIKING, VISENTINI, MARIOTTI and many others.
ZUCCHIATTi's new challenges are now aimed at foreign markets, where the company has long been moving to consolidate its position.
At the same time, ZUCCHIATTI began to diversify its markets, entering the Oil & Gas, Iron & Steel, Air Conditioning, Alternative Energy, Industrial Applications and Electrical Panels sectors.